Sheikh Ali Yahya Mu’mar (may Allah rest his soul in peace) says:
“The Ibadhi Moslim
community – based on its sect rules including the obligation of asking people
to do good and stop bad deeds, the obligation of showing intimacy with those
who do good and declaring freedom from those who do bad deeds, deeds and
actions complement belief and no hope for sinners- shall be on the mercy of
Based on these rules, the Ibadhi community is a true picture of a healthy
clean community; they are clean in their ideology from innovations and
divergence, they are clean in their deeds from sins, and they are clean in
their morals by emulation of the prophet’s (peace be upon him) and his companions’
deeds in all ages. Other sects have done the Ibadhi sect injustice twice by
first believing their historians who accuse Ibadhis of being Kharijets and
secondly by not verifying this claim and accepting this lie instead of looking
into the principles of this sect and verifying whether this sect has shown
divergence from the Qur’an and Sunnah.
A lay Ibadhi person is a true example of Moslems. Furthermore, the
Ibadhi community has always applied Allah’s orders, kept Islam, strove to apply
the orders of Allah even in secrecy. Whosoever leads Ibadhis has set an example
of a true trustworthy Moslem. They trustingly assign him their life and
religious matters. In turn, their leader has accepted this trust and kept this
Inspired from the book "Al-Ibadhiyah Fi Mawkib al
Tarikh" (Ibadhism in
History) V. 1 p.p 133-135 by Sheikh Ali Yahya Mu’mar
Writer: Al Mansour
Translated by: Khalsa H. Al Aghbari
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