Preparation for Hajj
Anyone who wishes to go on Hajj is obliged to fulfill
certain requirements before he sets out for the journey. These are:
· Sincerity to Allah Almighty, for Allah does not accept
insincere acts of worship. He says in the Qur'an, "And they have
been commanded no more than this: to worship Allah, offering Him sincere devotion,
being true in faith; to establish regular Prayer; and to practice regular Charity
and that is the Religion Right and Straight” [98:5] and "Is it not to Allah
that sincere devotion is due?” [39:3]
· To repent truly and sincerely of all the sins he has
committed so as to go on Hajj with a clean heart.
· Leaving adequate provisions for his dependents till he
comes back. Abu Dawud and Al Hakim reported that the Prophet B said,
"How sinful of a man to leave his dependents without support”.
· Taking enough provision with him to be on his best
behaviour throughout his journey. Ibn
Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "The
people of Yemen used to come for Hajj and used not to bring enough provisions
with them and used to say that they depend on Allah. On their arrival in Madinah
they used to beg (from) the people, and so Allah revealed, "And take a provision
(with you) for the journey, but the best provision is the fear of Allah."[2:197] (Al
Bukhari, vol. 2, # 598)
· Settling his debts. The Prophet B said, "The Muslim's soul is suspended against his debt (after
death) until the debt is paid back on his behalf” (A’Tirmidhi, #1078). He should
also give back all the borrowed items as well as deposits and free himself from
all obligations towards others.
· Writing his will in which he states his unsettled
debts and any other liabilities. The Prophet B said,
"It is not permissible for the Muslim who has something to write in a will,
to spend two nights without having his will written and kept near his head”. (A’Rabee’,
Conciliating his family, relatives, neighbours, and friends
and bidding them farewell.
Learning the rites of Hajj and how to perform them
correctly, because acts of worship are not valid when done ignorantly. It is preferable
to take with him a book about Hajj.
Going with righteous companions who would help him to
perform the rituals of Hajj better.
· Making sure that the money he is going to spend on
Hajj is lawful and free of any suspicious earnings.
If possible, it is preferable to travel on a Thursday.
It is narrated in the Two Sahihs (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) that Ka’b bin Malik said, "Rarely did the
Messenger of Allah B travel on any day other than Thursday, if he missed
Thursday, then it would be Monday, for this was the day the Messenger of Allah B emigrated
from Makkah”.
· Some scholars recommend for him praying two rak’as
(units of prayer) before leaving his house and saying the special du'a'
(supplication) for going on a journey.
Debtor's Hajj or 'Umrah
Before going on Hajj, the debtor is required to settle
all his debts in order to turn to Allah free from any other obligations. If he
finds it impossible to pay off his debts at that time, then he should get
permission from the creditors. But
before setting out, he should make a will stating all that he owes them. This
is in case of a debt that is due. As for a postponed debt, he does not have to
ask for permission from his creditor, but he has to write it down in his will.
All the foregoing is true if the debtor is potentially
capable of repayment; otherwise if he is entirely incapable of repayment then
he shouldn't go on Hajj until he gets out of debts, and Allah is the most entitled to excuse him.
Hajj of the Debtor of Interest Loan
This case is more serious than the one above, as
dealing in interest loans is a grave sin. One has
firstly to purify himself from any kind of financial deals that involve
interest. Allah accepts worship exclusively from the good Muslims (Muttaqin);
and the person who is involved in interest loans is not a good Muslim. Suffice it to
say that such a person is an opponent of Almighty Allah and His Messenger B, as clearly
indicated in the Holy Qur’an [2:279].
· One has no cause for taking a loan so as to go on Hajj
because one is required to get rid of all his obligations including his loans
and debts before he travels for Hajj.
Many people delay Hajj till they become very old and then
they make a will demanding performance of Hajj on their behalf. This contradicts
what Allah has commanded, because the
will does not substitute for Hajj. The
person who is financially, physically and mentally capable of going on Hajj
should hasten to do it himself. The will is written just in case the person
dies suddenly before he performs Hajj.
· One should not ask for financial assistance to be able
to go on Hajj, as Hajj is mandatory for the physically and financially capable.
The pilgrim who asked for financial assistance should repeat his Hajj when he
gets his own means, to be on the safe side.
A Muslim does not have to perform Hajj on behalf of
his dead parents unless they specify that in their will. However, if one performs
Hajj on behalf of his dead parents, of his own accord, it will be an act of
goodness to them on his part for which Allah will reward him, and hopefully his
parents will be rewarded as well if they are good Muslims.
The traveler to Makkah or Madinah (or any other place)
has to shorten the four-rak’a prayers to two rak’as if he doesn’t pray behind a
resident Imam. Offering each prayer individually in its time is better, though combining
two prayers is permissible, and is especially recommended for those who are
actually in the process of traveling.
· Performing Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam, and hence
an obligation that is not conditional on marriage or old age as many people
wrongly believe. On the contrary, going on Hajj at a young age is more
appropriate, as the young would most likely be able to perform it more properly.
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Miqat |
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Coming.. Makkah! |
Definition of Ihram
"Ihram" is the state in which one starts 'Umrah or Hajj or
both together, and during which certain acts are prohibited.
Types of Ihram
The Ihram for 'Hajj' is divided into three;
these were previously explained as "Types of Hajj" in the post
"Hajj Jurisprudence Part 1".
Qiran (joining)
Ifrad (singular)
Which of the three types is better?
There are different opinions regarding which one of
the three types of Ihram is the best. The chosen opinion of the
Ibadhi School is that Tamattu' is the best as it is easier and because
the Prophet B wished that he had done it, and ordered his
companions to do it.
Obligations of Ihram
Niyyah (Intention)
The pilgrim needs to specify Ihram is for
`Umrah or Hajj; that the Hajj is Hajj Tamattu`, Ifrad or Qiran;
that it is for himself or on behalf of another; and that it is Hajj al-Fard
(mandatory) or Hajj al-Nafl (supererogatory).
It is not a condition for the niyyah to be
pronounced verbally. All what it needs is the presence of heart and the
submission of limbs and their actions.
Talbiyah is a condition for entering Ihram. It has to
be pronounced and not only to be borne in mind. It is recited after the
The pilgrim should be facing the Qiblah at
the time of entering Ihram.
The formula of Talbiyah is:
لبيك اللهم لبيك، لبيك لا شريك لك لبيك، إن الحمد
والنعمة لك والملك، لا شريك لك
“Labayka Allahumma labayk, labayka la sharika laka
labayk. Inna'l-hamda wa'n-nimata laka wa'l-mulk, la sharika lak.”
Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri narrated
in his hadith: "The Talbiyah (response to the call of Allah for
Pilgrimage) of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was:" Labayka Allahumma
labayk (I respond to Your call O Allah, and I obey Your command, I respond
to Your call), labayka la sharika laka labayk (I respond to Your call,
You have no partner, I respond to Your call), Inna'l-hamda wa'n-nimata laka
wa'l-mulk, (Verily all praise and blessing belong to You, and all
sovereignty), la sharika lak (You have no partner)." [Ar'Rabee'
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Listen to Talbiyah |
As soon as Talbiyah is pronounced, the pilgrim enters into the state of Ihram and all the obligations of Ihram start.
pronouncing the Talbiyah, the pilgrim should specify the type of Nusuk
(rite) that he is intending to perform. If he is doing Hajj Ifrad, then
he should say, "Labayka Hajja or "Labayka be Hajja."
If he is doing
Hajj Tamattu, then he should say: "Labayka Umrah or labayka be
Umrah." And later, when he wants to perform Ihram for Hajj, he
says, "Labayka Hajja or Labayka be Hajja."
And if the
pilgrim is doing Hajj Qiran, then he should keep his state of Ihram
and his Talbiyah will be: "Labayka Umrah wa Hajja." or
"Labayka be Umrah wa Hajja."
If the pilgrim
is performing Hajj on behalf of another person, he should form the
intention of performing this Hajj on behalf of that person, mentioning him by
name in the Talbiyah and saying, “Labayka Allahumma ‘an [fulaan (So
and so)].” or "Labayka ‘an [fulaan]."
Wearing the
required Ihram clothes
For men, the clothing
of Ihram comprises two sheets of cloth:
an Izar : to cover the lower part of the body.
It is worn by wrapping it around their waist.
a Rida': which is wrapped round the upper part
of the body except the head. It is normally draped over both shoulders but in
certain times it is to be draped over one shoulder. This will be discussed
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Ihram wear for men |
White Ihram clothes are preferred for men.
A man has to take off all his stitched and
encompassing clothes and wear an izar, a rida' and a pair of
sandals. The Prophet B said,
"Every one of you should assume Ihram wearing an izar, a rida',
and a pair of sandals."[Reported by Ahmed]. It was also narrated by Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri: 'The Messenger of
Allah B said: "A
Muhrim should not wear a shirt, trousers, hooded cloaks, or Khuffs
(socks made from thick fabric or leather). And if he cannot find a pair of
sandals, then he can wear Khuffs but he should cut them so that they
reach below the ankles."' [Ar'Rabee' #406]
A woman may wear any clothes provided they are decent
and in conformity with Sharia rules. Her Ihram consists in disclosing
her face, and hence she is not allowed to cover it. However, if she fears that
she would be alluring, she can draw a piece of cloth from her head over her
face without making it touch the face. The woman can wear stitched clothes, but
should avoid garments that are embellished, and shouldn't wear gloves. The Prophet B said,
"The woman who is in the state of Ihram should not cover her face,
or wear gloves”. [Al-Bukhari, vol. 3, #64]. There are no restrictions as for woman's footwear. So she
may wear socks.
Permissibles of Ihram
According to our scholars, use of perfume before
entering into Ihram is not forbidden provided it is washed off and
nothing is left after assuming Ihram.
It is permissible for the pilgrim to bath and change
his Ihram sheets with new ones provided he avoids anything not allowed
in the state of Ihram.
No objection to the use of a miswak (a small
stick used as a toothbrush) or a toothbrush even if it makes the pilgrim’s
mouth bleed.
It is permissible to use unscented soap and
It is permissible to wear eyeglasses, use a pillow or
a sleeping bag, and to use an umbrella.
It is permissible for the pilgrim in Ihram
to use scentless disinfectants and to use
unscented lotions for medical purpose.
Application of kohl is permissible as long as it does
not contain any perfume.
The pilgrim may wear a belt only if he wants to hold
his izar in place and keep his money safe. To be on the safe side, he
should not wear a watch.
It is
permissible to kill every vicious and harmful animal.
Messenger of Allah says: "There are five beasts, for which there is no sin
on the Muhrim if he kills them: the crow, the kite, the rat the scorpion, and the
voracious dog." [Ar'Rabee' #407] And by Qiyas (analogy) this
can be extended to include snakes and harmful insects, e.g. louse.
Prohibitions of Ihram
Anyone who is in the state of Ihram is not
allowed to touch any scent.
The pilgrim is forbidden to cut off any of the growths
on his body, like shaving the head, plucking
the armpit, shaving the pubic hair, etc, except
when that becomes necessary due to harm or similar reason, in which case there
is a specific compensation to be done.
The male pilgrim should not cover his head with
anything unless in case of necessity, like
treatment, or when the weather is very hot or very cold, for which he will be
liable to a specified compensation.
The pilgrim who wears garments that hang below the
anklebone has to offer a sacrificial animal for his redemption.
It is undesirable to fasten the Ihram sheets
with a pin, lest they should resemble stitched clothes.
In reference to gloves, neither the man nor the woman
may wear them while being in Ihram.
Argument that causes anger is forbidden during Hajj.
Almighty Allah said, “For
Hajj are the months well-known. If anyone undertakes that duty therein let
there be neither obscenity nor wickedness, nor wrangling in the Hajj, and whatever
good you do, Allah knows it. And take a provision for the journey, but the best
of provisions is right conduct. So fear Me, O you that are wise."[2:197]
· Offensive language contradicts Muslim good conduct and
is even worse during the state of Ihram.
The pilgrim is forbidden to have sexual intercourse
and any of the intimacies that might lead to it such as kissing and hugging.
· The pilgrim should not get married or perform marriage
contracts. The Prophet B said, "A Muhrim
(anyone who has assumed Ihram) must neither marry himself, nor arrange
the marriage of another one, nor should he make the proposal of marriage."
[Muslim, vol. 2, #3278].
· It is forbidden for the pilgrim to hunt, help in
hunting, or eat land-game. However,
pursuit of water-game is lawful. Almighty Allah says, “Lawful to you
is the pursuit of water-game
and its use for food, -for the benefit of yourselves and those who travel; but
forbidden is the pursuit of land-game as long as you are in the Sacred
Precincts or in pilgrim garb. And fear Allah, to whom you shall be gathered
back”. [5:96]
How to enter into Ihram (Ritual Consecration)
Prior to entering into Ihram, the pilgrim is
recommended to tidy himself up by combing his hair, shaving the pubic hair,
clipping the nails, plucking the armpits and trimming off the moustache. He
also has to remove any kind of perfume from his body.
It is preferable to have a ritual wash and perform
ablution for anyone who intends to enter into Ihram even for the woman
who is menstruating or having post-natal bleeding. It was
reported by Muslim: "that ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported
that Asmaa' bint 'Umais gave birth to Muhammad b. Abu Bakr near Dhul-Hulaifa. The
Messenger of Allah B commanded Abu Bakr to convey to her that she should
take a bath and enter into the state of Ihram." (Muslim, vol. 2, #
The man has to take off all his encompassing and stitched
clothes and put on his Ihram clothing (an izar and a rida'),
while the woman put on her ordinary clothes, which cover all her body except
the face and hands.
Prior to assuming Ihram, the pilgrim is recommended,
in opinion of some scholars, to pray two rak’as after bathing and putting on
the Ihram garments. However, if assuming Ihram coincides with an obligatory
prayer time, it will be better for him to assume Ihram and recite the Talbiyah
immediately after the obligatory prayer. In another opinion, he should recite the
Talbiyah when he has mounted his mount (or got on his vehicle).
The pilgrim makes his intention of Hajj or 'Umrah as mentioned
above and recites the Talbiyah (the pilgrim's prayer) specifying the type
of Hajj he wants to perform. The male pilgrim should increase his voice with Talbiyah
when he has settled on his mount (or vehicle).
The pilgrim is recommended to repeatedly chant the Talbiyah
especially with the changes in situation and time, and whenever he goes up
hills and down valleys, and upon mounting or dismounting his mount (or vehicle),
as well as at the end of his prayers; for, with Talbiyah he occupies the
time by celebrating the praises of Allah. Sahl
bin Sa'd said that the Prophet B said, "When
the Muslim chants the Talbiyah, stones, trees
and clods of earth on his left and on his right chant the Talbiyah with him
up to the end of land from here (East) and
from here (West)” [A’Tirmidhi, #828].
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Different ways to wear Ihram clothes |
The pilgrim who travels by plane should assume Ihram
at the last airport he takes off from, as a precaution in order not to exceed
the Miqat without being in the state of Ihram. And no harm if he
begins to recite the Talbiyah after his flight has gone some distance
with him as long as he assumes Ihram before exceeding the Miqat.
Unless one intends to perform Hajj or 'Umrah, one is not
required to assume the state of Ihram for entering Makkah.
Anyone who assumes Ihram for Hajj not in its
months, then his Ihram turns to that of 'Umrah. Others
say it becomes invalid.
Men should recite Talbiyah aloud once in state
of Ihram. Women to raise voice such that only next person can hear her.
As for cutting trees, it has nothing to do with Ihram;
it is equally permissible for a Muhrim or a non-Muhrim to
cut off trees in the areas outside the sanctuary of the Sacred House (Al-
Haram). However, it is not permissible to cut down trees within the precincts
of the Sacred area, except what has been permitted by the Law.
· Menstruation and post-natal bleeding does not
invalidate Ihram, and a menstruating or post-partum bleeding
woman can assume Ihram and perform all rituals of Hajj except for
circumambulation around the Ka’bah, which is to be delayed until menstruation or
post-natal bleeding stops, as clarified in the Prophetic Sunnah.
Ihsar (Obstruction)
Definitions of
· Literally: "Ihsar" is derived from an
Arabic root that means "obstruction". The term applies to everyone
who is prevented from something, and hence, cannot achieve it.
· Legally: "Ihsar" is a situation in
which one is obstructed some way to perform Hajj or Umrah after one has entered
the state of Ihram. The person who faces this situation is called a Muhsar.
"Ihsar" means obstruction. It is a situation in which one is
obstructed some way to perform Hajj or Umrah after one has entered the state of
Ihram. The person who faces this situation is called a Muhsar.
Some hindrance which keeps one from completing the
rites of Hajj or Umrah, may be due to illness or interruption due to an enemy.
Ihsar was legalized by the Islamic Law. The proof from the
Quran is the saying of Allah:
الْحَجَّ وَالْعُمْرَةَ لِلّهِ فَإِنْ أُحْصِرْتُمْ فَمَا اسْتَيْسَرَ مِنَ
الْهَدْيِ وَلاَ تَحْلِقُواْ رُؤُوسَكُمْ حَتَّى يَبْلُغَ الْهَدْيُ مَحِلَّهُ)
"Fulfil the Pilgrimage and the Visitation to Allah; but if
you are prevented, then [give] such offering as may be feasible, and do not
shave your heads until the offering reaches its place." [2:196]
The evidence from the verbal Sunnah is the order given
by Prophet Mohammed B to his companions, when they were prevented from
performing Umrah at the time of Hudaybiah. He said to his Companions, "Get
up and sacrifice and then shave your heads." [Reported by Bukhari]
And the evidence from the practical Sunnah is inferred
from the action of the prophet B when he was
prevented by the idolaters of Quraish; after he has ordered his companions to
put off their Ihram in the year of Hudaybiah. He sacrificed his camels
and summoned his barber who shaved his head. When the companions saw that, they
got up and slaughtered their camels and shaved one another's heads so that they
were practically fighting one out of sorrow.
Examples of Ihsar:
In fact, there can be many situations in which
performance of Hajj or Umrah is not possible, a few are mentioned as follows:-
A threatening danger to life and property, e.g. a
lurking enemy, robberies on the road, or a beast of prey.
Falling sick during travel or being incapable to
The travel money lost and there is no way to
get it back.
Concerning woman when she gets menstruated and the
bleeding continues, preventing her from completing her rituals.
Rules for Ihsar:
A Muhsar is a pilgrim who is in a state of Ihram
and is obstructed to perform Hajj or Umrah and he wants to terminate his Ihram.
The ruling on him is that he must offer a sacrificial animal (Hady) before he
terminates his Ihram. And once the offering reaches its place then it is
permissible for him to shave and terminates his Ihram. And he is allowed
to do all that is forbidden during Ihram including hunting and women
(i.e. sexual intimacy with women)!
The evidence for the obligation of this sacrificial
animal (Hady), is in Allah's Words:
أُحْصِرْتُمْ فَمَا اسْتَيْسَرَ مِنَ الْهَدْيِ وَلاَ تَحْلِقُواْ رُؤُوسَكُمْ
حَتَّى يَبْلُغَ الْهَدْيُ مَحِلَّهُ)
"but if you are prevented, then [give] such offering as may
be feasible, and do not shave your heads until the offering reaches its place."[2:196]
A suffice offering shall be a sheep or a goat (as may
be feasible).
Where Should the Muhsar Slaughter the
Sacrificial Animal?
The scholars disagree concerning the place of
slaughter. The opinion of the Ibadhi scholars is that the place of slaughtering
the sacrificial animal to be offered is the place of Ihsar; i.e. the
place where the Muhsar is prevented from completing his rituals; whether
it was within or outside the Sacred Precincts of Al-Haram, and there is no need
to send his sacrificial animal to the Precincts of Al-Haram.
Ishtirat (Stipulation)
In the context of pilgrimage, "Ishtirat"
is stipulating a condition (or declaring an exception) on forming the intention
for Ihram, by saying:
(إن حبسني
حابس فمحلي حيث حبستني) أو (إن حبسني حابس فإحلالي حيث حبستني)
Fa in habasani haabisun, fa mahilli haithu habastani)
(Fa in
habasani haabisun, fa ihlali haithu habastani(
"If any
emergent impediment (sickness or the like) prevents me (from completing the rites),
then the end of Ihram will be wherever You will me to be."
This is stipulation is to be
said at the time of entering the state of Ihram, i.e. the time a pilgrim
forms the intention to enter Ihram and utters the Talbiyah.
Thus whenever one is hindered
by any impediment, he terminates his Ihram without the need for a
sacrifice; and this is the advantage of Ishtirat!
The textual
evidence for Ishtirat is that A'isha (Allah be pleased with her)
reported that Allah's Apostle B went to (the
house of his cousin) Dhuba'a bint al-Zubair b. Abd al-Muttalib. She said:
"Messenger of Allah, I intend to perform Hajj, but I am ill."
Thereupon Allah's Apostle B said:
"Enter Into the state of Ihram on condition that you would abandon
it when Allah would detain you." [Related by Muslim]
Ishtirat is only recommended for the one who fears to
encounter an impediment that may prevent him from completing the rites.
The impediment may be a disease, or a lurking enemy,
robberies on the road, or a beast of prey, or anything else that prevents
a Muslim in the state of Ihram from completing the rituals. It is not
permissible for him to end his state of Ihram directly if he has not
made Ishtirat.
Tawaf (Circumambulation)
Tawaf is third ritual obligation of Hajj and the
second essential duty of Umrah. Tawaf was legalized in the
previous Divine Laws. Actually Tawaf
connects Muslims with the tradition of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), peace and
blessings be upon him, who was perfect monotheist. Allah the Exalted
(وَعَهِدْنَا إِلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْمَاعِيلَ أَن
طَهِّرَا بَيْتِيَ لِلطَّائِفِينَ وَالْعَاكِفِينَ وَالرُّكَّعِ السُّجُودِ)
"And We
made a covenant with Abraham and Ishmael: 'Purify My House for those that shall
go round it and those that cleave to it, to those who bow and prostrate
He also said:
(وَإِذْ بَوَّأْنَا لِإِبْرَاهِيمَ مَكَانَ
الْبَيْتِ أَن لَّا تُشْرِكْ بِي شَيْئاً وَطَهِّرْ بَيْتِيَ لِلطَّائِفِينَ
وَالْقَائِمِينَ وَالرُّكَّعِ السُّجُودِ)
"And when We settled for Abraham the site of the
House, [saying]: 'Do not ascribe any partner to Me and purify My House, for
those who circumambulate it and those who are resident, and those who bow and
"Tawaf" is an Arabic infinitive noun which means to circle,
compass or move around something. In its religious sense, "Tawaf" is
circling the Sacred house (Ka’bah) seven rounds with extreme devotion, each
round starting and ending at the Black Stone,
Muslims are to circulate the Ka'bah, in a counter
clockwise direction. The circling is to demonstrate the unity between the
believers in the worship of the One God, Allah (SWT) as they slowly move in
harmony together around the Ka'bah, whilst supplicating to Allah. During Tawaf,
the pilgrim recites Tasbih (Subhana’llah), Tahmid (Al hamduli’llah),
Tahlil (la ilaha illa’llah), Takbir )Allahu Akbar) and du’a’ (supplications).
Types of Tawaf
(Arrival Circumambulation)
This is the initial Tawaf performed by the one
who comes from outside Miqat (Aafaqi). It is performed upon
arrival at the Sacred Mosque in Makkah for the first time pursuant upon the
intention of Umrah or Hajj. It suffices the pilgrim who is performing Umrah or
Hajj Tamattu' from having to perform Tawaf Al-Umrah. In this
case, this Tawaf will be for both Umrah and Qudoom
It is a Sunnah (recommended) for those who are
performing Hajj Ifrad and Hajj Qiran. It is also a Sunnah for
those who are coming to Makkah for reasons other than for
performing Hajj or Umrah. This is the only Tawaf in which
Idteba' and Ramal are practiced. They are not required in any other
type of Tawaf.
(Greeting Circumambulation)
This Tawaf is supererogatory or optional. Just
as Muslims perform two rak’as of tahiyyah (Prayer of greeting)
while entering a mosque, likewise they perform Tawaf as a form of
greeting while entering The Sacred Mosque. They are allowed to perform any
number of optional Tawafs. While doing so, they need not follow it up
with Sa'y.
Tawaf Al-Umrah (Umrah
This is the Tawaf performed as a part of the
obligatory rites of Umrah. It suffices one from performing Tawaf Al-Qudoom.
It is identical to Tawaf Al-Qudoom in its essentials except for the niyyah
Al-Ifadha (Return
from Mina Circumambulation)
This Tawaf takes place after the standing
in `Arafah, on the 10th of Dhull-Hijjah or after it. After performing
this Tawaf all things become permissible for the pilgrim, except
hunting in the Haram (the Holy Sanctuary of Makkah).
It is especially recommended to drink from Zamzam
water after performing this Tawaf.
This Tawaf has several names:
(pouring forth): because the pilgrims pour forth into Makkah from Mina.
(visit): because it is performed on the visit to the Ka'bah after leaving Mina.
Tawaf Al-Rukn (pillar), Tawaf
Al-Fardh (obligation), and Tawaf Al-Hajj: because it is
one of the pillars or essential parts of Hajj.
(Farewell Circumambulation)
This is the last Tawaf performed by
the pilgrims immediately before departing from Makkah following the
completion of Hajj. They are not supposed to linger there after this Tawaf.
It is Sunnah wajiba (obligatory Sunnah),
according to the Ibadhi scholars' opinion, for all pilgrims except women who
are menstruating (by textual evidences), women experiencing post-partum
bleeding and very sick patients who are unable to perform it even with help
from others (by Qiyas or analogy). The one who fails to do it must
sacrifice an animal.
(Supererogatory Circumambulation)
It is also called Tawaf Al-Nafl. It is a
devotional Tawaf that can be performed at any time and as often as
desired. The privilege of Tawaf cannot be gained anywhere, so while in
Makkah, Muslims are recommended to perform as much Tawaf as they can.
Al-Molzim Nafsahu (Circumambulation in respect of a Vow or an Oath)
If anyone makes a vow or an oath to circumambulate
the Ka'bah, it is an obligation for him to fulfil that vow or oath. Allah
SWT says:
((ثُمَّ لْيَقْضُوا تَفَثَهُمْ وَلْيُوفُوا نُذُورَهُمْ
وَلْيَطَّوَّفُوا بِالْبَيْتِ الْعَتِيقِ
"Then let them do away with their self-neglect,
and let them fulfil their vows, and perform the circumambulation of the Ancient
Conditions of Tawaf
Tawaf is correct only when the following conditions are
A person must be clean from all major and minor
physical impurities through ablution or obligatory bathing (Ghusl).
Major impurities: This condition of being free for major impurity
[Janabah (ritual impurity), menstruation, Post-natal bleeding] is based on a
Hadith on the authority of ‘Aisha. She said: 'I was
menstruating when I reached Makkah. So, I neither performed Tawaf of the
Ka`bah, nor the Tawaf between Al-Safa and Al-Marwah. Then I informed
Allah's Messenger B about
it. He said, " Do
everything that is performed by a pilgrim, except that you do not perform Tawaf
(Circumambulation) of the
Ka`bah till you get clean (from your menses)."
Minor impurities: According to the majority of Ibadhi scholars, the
cleanliness from minor impurities (emitting urine, faeces, breaking of the
wind, etc.) is a necessary condition for the validity of Tawaf. They base their opinion on the following
evidences: The first evidence is the Hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas who said: '
the Prophet B
said,"Tawaf around the House is prayer, except that Allah has
allowed speech in it, so he who speaks then let him not say except, good things.” This Hadith was
collected by Al-Hakim in his Mustadrak (Al-Hakim #3013). Another
evidence is 'Aisha's Hadith. She said: 'When the Prophet B reached
Makkah, the first thing he started with was the ablution, then he performed Tawaf
of the Ka`bah.' [Bukhari #1510]
So according to their opinion, if one performs Tawaf
despite such uncleanliness, his Tawaf is invalid. So it is obligatory on
him to repeat the ablution and to restart his Tawaf from the beginning.
Vomit and nosebleed: These
impurities invalidate the ablution but not the prayer. The Messenger of Allah B said:
"Vomit and nosebleed do not invalidate the prayer. If the one praying left due to them, he
should perform ablution and complete his prayer." [A'Rabee' #113] In such
a case, the one performing Tawaf has to repeat the ablution and he
should continue his Tawaf from wherever he had become impure and there
is no need for starting it from the beginning. But if his body gets
contaminated with vomit or blood, then his Tawaf is invalidated
and he has to repeat it all over again.
Covering private parts during Tawaf.
The injunction on the obligation of covering the
essentially coverable parts is based on the Prophet’s hadith:" And none
shall perform the Tawaf around the Ka`bah in a naked state." [Related
by Bukhari]
Male private
Between the navel and the knee [navel and knee are included].
Female private
parts: The
entire body except for the face and hands [feet are included!].
Place of Tawaf (Mataf)
The "Mataf" refers to the open white
area immediately around the Ka’bah where Tawaf takes place.
Tawaf should take place within the confines of the Sacred
Mosque (Mataf). There is a consensus among the scholars that Tawaf must
be performed inside the Sacred Mosque, not outside it. As such Tawaf
performed outside the Sacred Mosque is considered invalid. Tawaf must be
performed outside Al-Hijr (also called Hijr Isma'il or Al-Hateem),
which is The Demolished Portion or the area enclosed by the low curved wall,
because it is part of the Ka’bah.
The pilgrim should make Tawaf away from the Shadhrawan
which is the protruding base part of the Holy Ka’bah. Attached to the marble
floor, it surrounds the Ka’bah except on the Hateem side. If the pilgrim
violates these limits, his Tawaf will not be valid. In addition, doing Tawaf
from the second floor of the Sacred Mosque is not valid because the second
floor is higher than the height of the Ka‘bah. Likewise, Tawaf should
not be done on the roof of the Sacred Mosque, i.e. the last floor, because the
pilgrim would not be level with the Sacred House.
Tayamun means: a person must keep the Ka‘bah to his left side during
the entire Tawaf
in a counter clockwise direction. If
a person does the Tawaf with the Ka’bah on his right, even if he performs it by
walking backwards, his Tawaf is considered invalid.
Obligations of Tawaf
Niyyah (Intention)
Just as in the case of prayer,
fasting and other acts of worship, the declaration of intention is also
required for Tawaf. The pilgrim should intend to do
the Tawaf with total sincerity for the sake
of Allah
Tawaf must begin at the Black Stone
The circumambulation around the
Tawaf will not be considered valid unless seven complete rounds
have been made.
Sunan of
Tawaf (Prophetic Practices)
Ramal, which
means walking with quick short steps, but with no running or jumping, in the
first three rounds. Ibn 'Abbas
reported: Allah's Messenger B and
his Companions came to Makkah and the fever in Medina had weakened them.
Thereupon the polytheists (of Makkah) said: There would come to you a people
whom the fever has made weak and they have suffered severely from it. They sat
in Al-Hijr (Al-Hateem). Thereupon Allah's Apostle B commanded them to perform ramal
(walk proudly with swift pace) in first three circuits
and walk ordinarily between the two corners (Yamani Corner and the Black Stone)
so that the polytheists should see their endurance. The polytheists then said
(to one another),
"You were under the impression that fever had emaciated them whereas they
are stronger than so and so." Ibn Abbas said: 'He (the Prophet) did not
command them (the Muslims) to walk quickly in all the circuits out of kindness
to them.' [Related by Muslim#3924].
Idteba', in which the
pilgrim puts the middle of his upper cloth (rida') under his right
shoulder at the armpit, and casts its two ends on his left shoulder, leaving
open his right Shoulder. Idteba' is done during all the seven
Note: Ramal
and Idteba' are done only in the arrival Tawaf.
two-rak’as, which
are the two-rak’as offered at the end of Tawaf behind the Prophet
lbrahim’s Station (Maqam) or at any other place in the Sacred Mosque
where possible. The proof for this is Ibn ’Umar's hadith, in which he said, "Allah's
Apostle B arrived (in Makkah) and
circumambulated the Ka’bah seven times, then offered
two-rak’a prayer behind Maqam (the station of) Ibrahim, then performed
the Tawaf between A’Safa and Al-Marwah.” lbn ’Umar added: “And Allah has
said, {Verily! In Allah’s Apostle you have a good example}.” (Al-Bukhari, vol.
2, #690).
It is preferable, after performing these two-rak'as,
to go back to the Black stone, kiss it, touch it or point to it, following the
example of the Prophet B. Jabir ibn Abdullah mentioned in his Hadith, in which
he described the Hajj of the Prophet B. Jabir said
that after praying two-rak'as: "He (the Prophet B) then
returned to the pillar (the Black Stone) and touched it. He then went out of
the gate to A-Safa'."[related by Muslim#2137].
Drinking from
Zamzam water. This
will be discussed separately.
Kissing the
Black Stone, touching it or pointing to it in every round.
Touching the
Yemeni Corner in every round. This is based on the statement of Ibn 'Umar in which
he said, "I have never missed the touching of these two stones of Ka`bah
(the Black Stone and the Yemenite Corner) both in the presence and the absence
of crowds, since I saw the Prophet B touching
them." (Reported by Bukhari #1503)
The one
performing Tawaf should be close to the Sacred House.
How to Perform Tawaf
The way the pilgrim performs Tawaf is as
· He starts Tawaf by kissing the Black Stone if
possible; otherwise it is sufficient to touch it or point to it with the hand;
and all is done with Takbir (saying Allahu Akbar).
· He starts Tawaf keeping the Scared House on his
· He makes any kind of du’a’ (supplication) during Tawaf
and recites al-baqiyat a’Salihat in which he says ”Subhana’llah, Walhamduli’llah,
Wala Ilaha Illa’llah, Wallahu Akbar, Wala Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah”
· When he gets to the Yemeni Corner (the last before the
Black Stone's) he touches it if possible, and should not point to it if he
can't reach it.
On getting to the Black Stone again the first round is
finished and he starts the second round in the same way.
If the pilgrim in the course of Tawaf gets
unsure what number of rounds he has done, he shall
assume it to be the lesser number of which he is certain and proceed from it to
complete seven rounds. If he wished after that to repeat his Tawaf it
would be good for him.
If the pilgrim comes into contact with some scent when
he touches the Black Stone or the Yemeni Corner, he only has to wash it off and
nothing else.
· Ramal is for those coming to Makkah from elsewhere as well
as for the residents of Makkah.
· It is permissible, according to the more acceptable
opinion in the scholarly circles, to perform the two Tawaf rak’as after fajr
prayer before sunrise, and after ’Asr prayer before sunset, if he
performs Tawaf during these times, because this prayer is for a specific
reason, which is Tawaf.
· The two Tawaf rak’as should be delayed
if they fall on the time in which prayers are forbidden. These times are
sunrise, sunset and noon when the sun is in the middle of the sky during the
very hot season except on Friday.
It is preferable, after
· It is permissible to perform Tawaf while the
imam is preaching the Friday sermon, but it is not so appropriate.
· The pilgrim is not required to take off his shoes
during Tawaf, nor is he forbidden to carry them in his hand or under his
arm if they are clean.
It is permissible for the pilgrim doing Hajj or ‘Umrah
to have a rest during Tawaf or Sa’y if he feels the need to do so.
If the pilgrim adds an extra lap to his Tawaf
or Sa’y unintentionally no blame is laid on him. However, it is
preferable to repeat his Tawaf or Sa’y to be on the safe side
Women are not obligated to jog around the Ka'bah nor
while making Sa`y between A'Safa and Al-Marwah.
Zamzam water
It is a Sunnah (recommended) to drink from Zamzam
well (the historic well in the Sacred Mosque) after completing Tawaf
Al-Ifadha especially, and praying two rak'as of Tawaf so as to
follow the example of the Prophet B. Jabir ibn
`Abdullah described the Hajj of the Prophet B: "Then
the Messenger of Allah B hastened to the House, and prayed Al-Dhuhr in
Makkah. He came to Banu ‘Abdul-Muttalib, who were providing water to the
pilgrims at Zamzam, and said: ‘Draw me some water, O Banu
‘Abdul-Muttalib. Were it not that the people would overwhelm you, I would have
drawn water with you.’ So they drew up a bucket for him and he drank from
![]() |
Zamzam Spring |
Ibn 'Abbas reported: "I served (water from) Zamzam
to Allah's Messenger B, and he drank while standing, and he asked for it while
he was near the House (i.e. House of Allah - Ka'bah).” [Al Bukhari, Book 23,
A person drinking Zamzam water should intend
and hope for healing, blessings and whatever is best for him in this life and
in the hereafter. It was narrated that Jabir bin ‘Abdullah said: “I heard the
Messenger of Allah B say: ‘The water of Zamzam is for whatever it
is drunk for.’” [Related by Ibn
With regard to the merits of Zamzam water, the Prophet
B said, "It
is blessed, it serves as food for the hungry and a cure for the sick." (Reported
by Al-Bazzaar and A’Tabarani). It is also preferable to drink the water in three
gulps facing the Ka’bah and to make any kind of du'a'
(supplication). However,
drinking from Zamzam is neither amongst the rituals of Hajj nor an
obligatory deed.
Sa’y (Walking between A’Safa and Al-Marwah)
Sa‘y (walking) between Mounts A'Safa and Al-Marwah has
been among the rituals of Hajj from the time of Prophet Abraham (PBUH). It is
observed as a memorial of a particular action of Hagar (upon her be
peace) when rushed seven times to see if she could spot any water or anyone
from whom she could get some in order to give to her infant Ishmael (upon him
be peace). Its retention was imposed by verse 158 of Surat Al-Baqarah,
Allah says:
الصَّفَا وَالْمَرْوَةَ مِن شَعَآئِرِ اللّهِ فَمَنْ حَجَّ الْبَيْتَ أَوِ
اعْتَمَرَ فَلاَ جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِ أَن يَطَّوَّفَ بِهِمَا وَمَن تَطَوَّعَ خَيْراً
فَإِنَّ اللّهَ شَاكِرٌ عَلِيمٌ(
"Truly A'Safa and Al-Marwah are among the waymarks of Allah, so
whoever makes the Pilgrimage to the House, or the Visitation, he would not be
at fault, if he circumambulates them; and whoever volunteers good, Allah is
Grateful, Knowing."[2:158]
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A'Safa Mountain |
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Al-Marwah Mountain |
Definitions of Sa'y
The literal meaning of "sa'y" is
In the terminology of Islamic law, "Sa'y"
is walking to and fro between the two hills of A’Safa and Al-Marwah situated
beside the Sacred Mosque, making seven rounds, with the intention of worship.
The Legal Status of Sa'y between A'Safa and
There is disagreement among scholars concerning the
legal status of Sa'y between A'Safa and Al-Marwah. These scholars may be
divided into three groups:
Sa'y of A'Safa and Al-Marwah is an essential part of Hajj
rites. Thus if a pilgrim fails to perform Sa'y his Hajj will be void and
his offering of a sacrifice will not be enough to make up for it.
Sa'y is recommended (sunnah mustahaba), which if not
performed, no penalty is incurred by the person neglecting it.
Sa'y between A'Safa and Al-Marwah is an essential rite
(wajib), but it is not obligatory for Hajj and 'Umrah (sunnah wajiba).
Therefore, if a pilgrim failed to perform it, he must pay a penalty (slaughter
a sheep in sacrifice).
Conditions of Sa'y
· Niyyah (Intention): As based on
the well-known hadith: “Every deed is dependent on the intention.” And that Sa'y
is a devotional act.
It should be preceded by Ihram (of Hajj or
'Umrah )
It should be preceded by Tawaf. A Sa'y
performed before Tawaf is not valid. It will have to be performed again
after Tawaf.
It should be in a specified course: (i.e. Mas'aa,
or the area between A'Safa and Al-Marwah, which is located inside the Sacred
Mosque and has been expanded to help pilgrims perform the Sa’y ritual
more easily and comfortably.)
Obligations of Sa'y
It must be seven laps.
The pilgrim must start at A'Safa and finish at Al-Marwah.
Sunan of Sa'y (Prophetic Practices)
Muwalah (maintenance
of succession) between Tawaf and Sa'y. It is not
obligatory to perform a Sa'y immediately after Tawaf. Though it
is a Sunnah (recommended) to do so yet there is no harm if there is a pause in
· Purity from Major and Minor impurities. Purification
is not necessary for performing Sa'y between A'Safa and Al-Marwah, in
light of what the Prophet B said to
'Aishah once when she menstruated. He told her, "Do what a pilgrim does
except that you should not circumambulate the House, till you are purified (of
the menses)." (Related by Muslim)
· Climbing on A'Safa and Al-Marwah. It is
recommended to climb upon the two hills of A'Safa and Al-Marwah in every phase
until the Ka'bah is seen.
· Climbing up
A'Safa and Al-Marwah, facing the direction of Ka'bah, remembering Allah, and supplicating
Him for whatever one wishes while raising his hands. Jabir bin
'Abdullah narrated that the Prophet B went through
A'Safa gate, and on approaching A'Safa he recited the Qur'anic verse
[2:158],"Verily A'Safa and Al-Marwah are among the signs appointed
by Allah,"(2:158), adding, “I
begin with what Allah began." He first mounted A'Safa until he saw the
House, and facing the Qiblah he declared the Oneness of Allah and glorified Him
and said: ‘La ilaha illa-llah wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul mulk wa lahul
hamd, wa huwa 'ala kulli shai’in qadeer, la ilaha illa-llahu wahdahu anjaza
wa'dahu, wa nas ara 'abdahu, wa hazamal ahzaba wahdah’ (There is no God but
Allah, He is One, and has no partner. His is the dominion, and His is the
praise and He has Power over all things. There is no God but Allah alone, Who
fulfilled His promise, helped His servant and defeated the confederates
alone.") He said these words three times making supplications in between.
He then descended and walked towards Marwah, and when his feet touched the
bottom of the valley, he ran; and when he began to ascend, he walked (at his
normal pace) until he reached Al-Marwah. There he did as he had done at A'Safa…."
[Related by Muslim].
· Muwalah (Continuity)
of Sa'y between A'Safa and Al-Marwah. If a pilgrim stops Sa'y (between A'Safa and
Al-Marwah) for some reason, e.g., it is prayer time and he joins the
congregation, or to have some rest, or to answer the call of nature, in all
such cases he may resume his Sa'y when the reason forcing him to stop is no longer there, and
begin from where he had left it. However, the continuity of Sa'y,
without a long break, is required for it. If the breaks between rounds
lasted for a long duration of time, then one has to repeat Sa'y because
it is one 'Ibadah (a rite of worship).
Harwalah (jogging or
walking fast) while passing through the bottom of the valley.
Walking between A'Safa and Al-Marwah is commended, except between the two
markers where jogging is encouraged. Jabir bin 'Abdullah described the
action of the Prophet B when
he reached the bottom of the valley between A'Safa and Al-Marwah, he said: "and when his feet
touched the bottom of the valley, he ran; and when he began to ascend, he
walked (at his normal pace) until he reached Al-Marwah." [Related by
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Sa'y between A'Safa and Al-Marwah |
How to Perform Sa'y
Sa'y consists of going from the hill of A'Safa to
Al-Marwah and vice versa as follows:
When the pilgrim approaches A’Safa he recites the
verse relating to the walk between A’Safa and Al-Marwah, of which the meaning
"Behold! A’Safa and Al-Marwah are among the symbols of Allah, so if those
who visit The House in the season or at other times should compass them round
it is no sin in them and if any one obeys his own impulse to good,- be sure
that Allah is he Who recognizes and knows.” [2:15]
Then he climbs A’Safa till he sees the Ka’bah, after which
he utters Takbir three times and then praises Allah preferably as
"La ilaha illa
’LLahu wahdahu Ia sharika lahu, lahul-mulku walahul-hamdu wahuwa ‘ala kulli
shay-in qadir, La ilaha illa ’LLahu
wahdah, anjaza wa’dah, wanasara ’abdah,
wahazamal-ahzaaba wahdah.”
meaning of that is:
"There is nothing worthy of worship but Allah
alone; He has no partner. His is the kingdom, to Him is due all praise, and He
is powerful over all things. There is nothing worthy of worship but Allah
alone. He has fulfilled his promise, brought
victory to His servant and defeated the gangs all by Himself."
The pilgrim says that three times and then makes any
kind of du'a’ he wishes.
Then he descends towards Al-Marwah praising Allah.
When he reaches the two green pillars (or green lights) he quickens his pace
over the distance between them, preferably saying, “My Lord! Forgive and have mercy!
You are the Mightiest, the Most Gracious”. Women do not have to hasten their
Then he walks unhurriedly again praising Allah and
asking Him to grant him good in this life and in the Hereafter. When he reaches
Al-Marwah he climbs it and does exactly the same as he did at A'Safa. By so
doing he will have completed the first lap.
Then he starts the second lap from Al-Marwah to A'Safa
and he does the same as he did in the first lap till he completes seven laps
ending at Al-Marwah.
It is permissible to perform Sa’y without taharah
(being ritually purified) but it is preferable to perform it while in the state
of taharah.
Scholars hold different views as to the ruling on Sa’y.
Some of them say it is a prerequisite (Fardh), therefore missing it out
invalidates Hajj. Others, including the Ibadhi scholars, say it is a non-prerequisite
duty but an obligatory prophetic practice (Sunnah Wajibah), therefore
missing it out does not invalidate Hajj, but the pilgrim who fails to do it has
to offer a sacrificial animal in compensation.
The pilgrim who starts his Sa’y at Al-Marwah and
finishes at A'Safa and then concludes his state of Ihram, has to resume
his Ihram and complete his Sa’y, canceling the first lap in which
he started at Al-Marwah and finished at A'Safa. Also, he has to offer two
sacrificial animals in compensation.
· There is no harm in performing Sa’y to and fro
on one side of the walk between A'Safa and Al-Marwah, as the division of the
walk into two was introduced recently to make Sa’y easier and less
crowded and had not existed before. However, it's better to walk in the
organized way to avoid overcrowding.
· The pilgrim who does less than seven laps and can't
remember the number till he finishes his Ihram, has to resume his Ihram
and finish his Sa’y, and has to offer a sacrificial animal.
· Climbing A'Safa and Al-Marwah as far as Ka’bah can be
seen is recommended for men not for women.
· If the pilgrim is not able to read the invocation
transmitted from the Prophet B mentioned
above on A'Safa and Al-Marwah
there is no harm in reading it while he is walking between them.
Ihlaal (Finishing Ihram) of 'Umrah
When the pilgrim doing Hajj Tamattu’ finishes his Sa’y,
he shaves or clips his hair. Shaving
is removing all the hair from the head, whereas clipping is cutting it short. Shaving is
better than clipping, but it should be noted that clipping has to involve all parts
of the head.
· The pilgrim doing Hajj Qiran should neither
shave nor clip his hair till the Day of Sacrifice in Mina (10th Dhal-Hijjah). By shaving or
clipping his hair, the pilgrim performing Hajj Tamattu’ finishes his Ihram
for 'Umrah.
· After finishing the state of Ihram, the pilgrim
is allowed to do all that is forbidden during Ihram except hunting in the Haram
(the Holy Sanctuary of Makkah).
It is preferable for the pilgrim who performs Hajj Tamattu’
to clip his hair after completing 'Umrah, so as to shave it when he completes Hajj
if it is short between 'Umrah and Hajj.
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A male pilgrim shaves his hair |
A pilgrim that wears stitched clothes on finishing his
rituals before he shaves or clips his hair has to offer a sacrifice of a
grazing animal.
There is no harm in the pilgrim shaving or clipping
his hair himself. However it is undesirable if he finds someone who is not a pilgrim
to do that for him.
· There is no harm in the pilgrim shaving or clipping
the hair for other pilgrims because there is no evidence against it. But it is preferable
that the pilgrim who has finished his Ihram shaves or clips for others.
Scholars have different opinions with regard to the
pilgrim who shaves his hair before offering the Hady (a sacrificial
animal) and throwing pebbles. One opinion is that if he does that forgetfully
or unknowingly, then he is not liable to any compensation; and this is the one
mostly in use in the formal legal opinion. The other opinion is that he has to
offer a sacrifice of an animal as compensation.
The pilgrim should not finish his state of Ihram
for Hajj before he slaughters his Hady. If he couldn't slaughter on the
Day of Sacrifice he should remain in the state of Ihram until he
slaughters his Hady.
It is not sufficient for men when finishing Ihram
to cut little hair, as done by many nowadays. The male pilgrim is obliged to clip
all parts of his hair till it is apparent that he has cut short his hair.
1. The Approved in the Jurisprudence of Hajj and 'Umrah (Al
Mu'atamad), by Al Mu'tasam Al Ma'awali.
2. This is Hajj (Pilgrimage), by Nasser Yusuf Al Azri.
Al-Hajj Al-Mabroor, by Ministry of Endowments and Religious
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