
Friday, September 19, 2014

Ibadism in History, Volume I: The Emergence of the Ibadi School

It is my pleasure to share with you one of the well-known Ibadhi books "Ibadism in History, Volume I: The Emergence of the Ibadi School", a book by Ali Yahya Mu'mmar. (PDF-Exclusive!)

This book explains the historical origins of the Ibadis, one of the earliest schools of thought among the Sunni Muslims, mostly concentrated in Oman, with smaller communities in Libya, Algeria and other parts of North Africa. It sets out the doctrines of the Ibadis, albeit doctrines which are mostly insignificant variations from the mainstream of the Sunni Muslim creed and practices. The author recounts in detail how and why the error became established that the lbadis are an offshoot of the heretical group known as the Khawarij. In fact, the Ibadis have had no more in common with the Khawarij than Wahhabis or any other group among the Sunnis who might be called a sect. However, as a result of that error, the Ibadis have been widely misunderstood, sometimes even shunned, by their fellow Sunnis.

This book removes the shadows that have so unjustly distorted the image of lbadis by shining the light of objective historical inquiry into the corners where ignorance and prejudice lurk together, making people afraid to know and face the reality. Through this book, the reader will discover who the Ibadis were, what they have stood for over the centuries, how they have lived, and the purpose and operation of institutions special to them (such as the ‘Azzabah). While good scholarship is always a blessing, this work has the added benet at this juncture, when Muslims are facing the gravest threat in their history, of enabling understanding and tolerance and thereby strengthening the unity and solidarity of Muslims in the face of the enemies of Islam.

1 comment:

  1. Why now are ibadis calling themselves sunnis ???
    A sunni excepts the 4 rightly guided khulafa .
    I myself dont say the ibadis are from kawarij
    You are from the muhakimma just as the kawarij were
    I respect your sect for its strengh of standing on what you beleive
    But do not start to say you are sunni
    Because this makes you look desperate to be accepted by us sunnis and nobody respect desperation that leads to falsehood.
    So stay being ibadi who emerged from muhakimma
