
Friday, September 13, 2013

Readings on the Ibadhi Thought II

Presented is a series of readings on the Ibadhi thought intended to encourage respected readers to study and reflect upon its crucial aspects so that they won’t be driven by any psychological motives or inherent influences which might hinder them from declaring and accepting the Truth.

Sheikh Ali Yahya Mu’mar (may Allah rest his soul in peace) says:

"It is neither claim nor arrogance to state that the Ibadhi sect has the prominence of ensuring that its followers don’t cross the borders and limits set by Islam. Ibadhi Moslems make sure that they are truly characterized by the decent traits prescribed by their religion and illustrated through the behaviors of the ancestors. This obviously doesn’t entail that the Ibadhi Moslems are infallible as naturally humans make mistakes. However, it means that when a person commits a sin, his sin might be classified as belonging to either type: a sin committed in front of others or a sin concealed from people and enticed by Satan. If his sin is of the first type, then others should declare freedom from the sinner and never deal with him at all. Moreover, his relatives shouldn’t interact with him until his repents publicly and promise Allah not to repeat his sin. Thus, insurance that sinners are brought back to the right path is made and the Moslem community is cleaned from such sins."

If; however, a person commits a sin of the second type, then he is likely to indulge with others publicly as they know nothing about his sin. His conscience might be blaming him at the same time as he surely thinks that his sin can definitely bring God’s curse to him. Tarjuman Al Koran (may Allah be pleased with him) says: “whosoever meets God in the Hereafter in that condition will go mortally to Hell. This entails scolding from committing sins and bad deeds. Followers of this sect preach total commitment to the principles of Islam. Some of the features this sect is distinguished by from other sects are obligation to ask people to do good and stop bad deeds. These features are applicable in declaring freedom from those who constantly commit sins and intimacy with those who are cautious of obedience to God. This definitely complements belief with actions. Sinners; thus, find it hard to find support from people around them and will not think that by only declaring “there is no God except Allah and Mohammed is his messenger”, they will be rescued from punishments. Good deeds are indispensable to prevent one from Hell or reward one for Heaven.

“Whosoever commits sins and his sins encompass him will mortally reside in Hell”

“Allah will say: “Dispute not in front of Me, I had already in advance sent you the threat”           

Based on these principles, the deeds and actions of Ibadhi people are reflections of their belief and ideologies”

They are famous for this throughout history. They are great examples of those who keep their belief, duties, principles and morals which Islam has prescribed. They also shun whatsoever Islam has discouraged. They constantly do good deeds, shun forbidden deeds and avoid suspicions according to Omar bin Al Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) says: “We abandon seventy door of acceptance (halal) ensuring we don’t do forbidden deeds (haram).”

Inspired from the book "Al-Ibadhiyah Fi Mawkib al Tarikh" (Ibadhism in History) V. 1 p.p 125-126 by Sheikh Ali Yahya Mu’mar
Writer: Al Mansour
Translated by: Khalsa H. Al Aghbari
Resource: cultural section on the Arabic website of

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