Wudhu' (Ablution)
Definition of Wudhu' (Ablution)
"Wudhu'" is linguistically
derived from "Wadha’ah", which means prettiness and
In Islamic terminology, it means to use Tahoor
(pure and purifying) water to clean specific limbs of the body in a specific method
with the intention of worship.
Proof of its
The practice of Wudhu' is
derived from the Qur'an, Allah Almighty says:
أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ إِذَا قُمْتُمْ إِلَى الصَّلاةِ فاغْسِلُواْ
وُجُوهَكُمْ وَأَيْدِيَكُمْ إِلَى الْمَرَافِقِ وَامْسَحُواْ بِرُؤُوسِكُمْ
وَأَرْجُلَكُمْ إِلَى الْكَعْبَينِ وَإِن كُنتُمْ جُنُباً فَاطَّهَّرُواْ وَإِن
كُنتُم مَّرْضَى أَوْ عَلَى سَفَرٍ أَوْ جَاء أَحَدٌ مَّنكُم مِّنَ الْغَائِطِ
أَوْ لاَمَسْتُمُ النِّسَاء فَلَمْ تَجِدُواْ مَاء فَتَيَمَّمُواْ صَعِيداً
طَيِّباً فَامْسَحُواْ بِوُجُوهِكُمْ وَأَيْدِيكُم مِّنْهُ مَا يُرِيدُ اللّهُ
لِيَجْعَلَ عَلَيْكُم مِّنْ حَرَجٍ وَلَـكِن يُرِيدُ لِيُطَهَّرَكُمْ وَلِيُتِمَّ
نِعْمَتَهُ عَلَيْكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَشْكُرُونَ(
"O you who believe, when you stand up to pray wash your
faces, and your hands up to the elbows, and wipe your heads, and your feet up
to the ankles. If you are defiled, purify yourselves; but if you are sick, or
on a journey, or if any of you comes from the privy, or you have touched women,
and you cannot find water, then head for wholesome dust, and wipe your faces
and your hands with it. Allah does not desire to make any hardship for you; but
He desires to purify you, and that He may perfect His grace upon you; so that
you might give thanks."[5:6]
The Prophet (PBUH) said:
"There is no faith for the one who does not have prayer and
there is no prayer for one who does not have ablution." [Ar-Rabee#91]
Rulings of Wudhu'
A. It is wajib (obligatory) upon
Muslims to make Wudhu' for three things:
1. Before performing ritual prayer.
2. Before touching the mushaf (copy
of Quran) and reading from it.
3. Before making Tawaf (Circumambulation)
around the Ka'bah.
are certain occasions when it is mandoob (recommended) to make Wudhu'.
Some of these are:
sleep and after waking up. Al-Bara' bin 'Azib reported: 'The Messenger of
Allah (PBUH) directed me thus: "Whenever you go to bed, perform Wudhu'
as you do for Salaah (prayer)."' [Bukhari#239] Abu Huraira said, 'Allah's
Messenger (PBUH) said: "Satan ties three knots at the nape of the head of one
of you if he sleeps. And he seals the place of each knot with 'You have a long
night ahead, so sleep.' If he wakes up and remembers Allah, a knot is untied.
If he performs Wudhu' (ablution), a knot is untied. If he prays, a knot is
untied. Therefore, he wakes up energetic and in good spirit in the morning;
otherwise he wakes up in a bad spirit and lazy."'[Ar-Rabee'#130]
intending to take a ritual bath (Ghusl) because of sexual defilement (Janabah).
Aisha said: "Whenever the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) intended to take a
bath (Ghusl) because of sexual defilement, he started by washing
his hands and then performed ablution (Wudhu') as is done for Salaah
(prayer)..." [Ar-Rabee#138]
It is recommended for the Junub (a
person in a state of major ritual impurity) to make Wudhu' if
he wants to eat, drink or go to bed. Aisha reported: Whenever the Messenger of
Allah (PBUH) had sexual intercourse and intended to eat or sleep, he performed
the ablution of prayer." [Muslim#461]
reading the Holy Quran from memory, studying Hadith and its narrations, or
reading from Sharia sciences books, such as Tafsir (Quran Interpretation),
Hadith and Jurisprudence.
4. When one becomes angry because
performing Wudhu' extinguishes the fire of anger. The
Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "So when one of you becomes angry, he
should perform Wudhu' (ablution)." [Ahmed#17302]
Obligations of Wudhu'
1) Niyyah (Intention)
Niyyah is one
of the pillars and obligations of Wudhu'. It is made by intending (in
the heart) to remove the state of ritual impurity and to purify oneself to
perform an act of worship.
The intention should be made at the beginning, before
starting the actions of Wudhu'. The intention must be made before
the first obligatory element of Wudhu', which is the washing of the
face. Thus if one washes some of the obligatory elements of Wudhu' before
making the intention for Wudhu'; then his Wudhu' is invalidated
and he must start it again.
When someone makes his intention at the beginning of
the Wudhu' and then fails to continue to remember it, that does not
impair his Wudhu'. However if he truly intends in his heart to
invalidate his Wudhu' then his Wudhu' is invalidated and he must
start it again.
Washing the whole face
Allah Almighty says,
"…wash your faces…"
That is, washing the entire face by pouring water all over
it. Wiping the face is insufficient.
In length, the face extends from where the normal
roots of the hair on the head begin to the end of the chin. In width, the face is
the part between the two earlobes.
If the man has a beard he must make water penetrate
the thin beard in Wudhu', but not the thick beard. He must also
wash the sideburns and the white area (hairless part) between the beard and
Washing hands up to elbows
It is mandatory to wash the arms up to and including
the elbows.
Allah Almighty says,
إِلَى الْمَرَافِقِ))
"… and your hands up to the elbows…"
Abu Huraira described the Wudhu' of the Prophet
(PBUH) in the Hadith reported by Nu'aim bin 'Abdullah Al-Mujmir:"I saw Abu
Huraira perform ablution. He washed his face and washed it well. He then washed
his right hand including a portion of his arm. He then washed his left hand
including a portion of his arm. He then wiped his head. He then washed his
right foot including his shank, and then washed his left foot including shank..."
[Muslim #362]
Many should pay attention to make "Takhleel",
which means to pass the fingers of one hand through the fingers of the other
hand to ensure that water has reached all parts of hands. The Prophet (PBUH)
said: ""Pass water through your fingers (as well as the toes) when
making Wudhu'(i.e. make Takhleel) before nails of fire will be
passed through them (i.e. in the Day of Judgement)." [Ar-Rabee'#90]
Wiping the head
Allah Almighty says,
"…and wipe your heads…"
Wiping means 'passing wet hands over the organ (of
The head, here, is from the normal roots of the hair (from
the front above the forehead) to the nape of the head.
Scholars disagree as to how much of the head has to be
wiped. It is possible to summarize their views as two opinions:
The first opinion: It
is obligatory to wipe over the whole head. This is the opinion of scholars like
Ibn Barakah (Abdullah ibn Mohammed ibn Barakah Al-Bahlawi, an Ibadhi scholar,
died about 362 A.H). They argue that the apparent meaning of Allah’s words:
"And wipe upon your heads…" is that the entire head has to be wiped.
The second opinion: It
is sufficient to wipe over a portion of the head. Their evidence is the Hadîth
related by Ibn Abbas that "the Prophet (PBUH) wiped over a portion of
his head during Wudhu'." [Ar-Rabee'#96]
However, scholars agree that whoever wipes over the
entire head has done well and has done what he has to do in the most complete
possible manner. So it is better to wipe upon the entire head to play it safe.
Washing feet up to ankles
Allah Almighty says:
إِلَى الْكَعْبَينِ)
"… and your feet up to the ankles…"
The two ankles are the two bones that bulge
out just below the calf and connect your legs to your feet.
The two ankles are included in the washing of the
foot. Wiping the feet is insufficient and whoever wiped them due to
ignorance of the ruling, has to repeat his prayer.
One must make sure to wash the Achilles' tendon, the
heels and the bottoms of the feet.
The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Woe to the Achilles'
tendon because of Hell-fire. And woe to the bottoms of the feet because of
Hell-fire." [Ar-Rabee' #92]
should also pay attention to make "Takhleel" of the toes, i.e.
to wash between the toes and to use the hand to wipe with. The Prophet (PBUH)
said: "Pass water through your fingers (as well as the toes) when making Wudhu'(i.e.
make Takhleel) before nails of fire will be passed through them (i.e. in
the Day of Judgement)." [Ar-Rabee'#90]
Sunan of Wudhu'
The Sunan (recommended
act) of Wudhu' are as follows:
1. Using Siwak (tooth-stick) before making
Wudhu'. It is mandoob (recommended). The
Prophet (PBUH) said: "If it were not that it would be difficult on my
nation then, I would have ordered them to use the Siwak for each prayer and
each ablution." [Ar-Rabee'#86]
Tasmiyah (saying: “Bismillah” (In the Name of Allah). It is wajib
(obligatory) whether in remembrance or ignorance. The Prophet (PBUH)
said: "There is no ablution for one who does not mention the Name of Allah
(before it)." [Ar-Rabee' #88]
both hands up to the wrists, especially
after waking up. Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: "When one of
you wakes up from his sleep, he must not put his hand in a utensil till he
washed it three times, for he does not know where his hand was during the
Madhmadhah and
Istinshaaq. Madhmadhah is washing the mouth by moving the
water around inside the mouth making sure to reach the back of the throat, and Istinshaaq
is sniffing water into the nose and breathing it into its backmost part and
then ejecting the water from the nose.
Madhmadhah and Istinshaaq
are both wajib (obligatory). It is mustahub (preferred) to exaggerate in rinsing
the mouth and sniffing water into the nose except when one is fasting.
The Prophet (PBUH) said to Laqit ibn Saburah: "If you sniff
water through your nose do it thoroughly unless you are fasting."
[Ar-Rabee' #93]
It is preferable to rinse the mouth and the nose with
the same handful of water. This is for the hadith related by Jaber ibn
Zaid in which he said, "It reached me that the Prophet (PBUH) rinsed his
mouth and sniffed up water into his nostrils with one handful of
the ears immediately after wiping the head.
Jaber ibn Zaid said: 'I heard that the Prophet (PBUH) said: "The ears are
part of the head."' Jaber said: "It reached me that the Prophet
(PBUH) scooped up one handful (of water) and wiped his head and ears with
It is sufficient to wipe the outside
and inside of both ears once. There is a disagreement on whether it
is recommended to renew the water to wipe the ears or not.
Tathleeth, that is, to wash each limb thrice, which is to be
washed. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet (PBUH) performed ablution (washing
each body part) once, and said: "This is the ablution without which
prayer will not be accepted." Then he performed ablution (washing each
part) twice, and he said: "The one who doubles (the act), Allah will
double (the reward) for him." Then he performed ablution (washing each
part) thrice, then he said: "This is my ablution and the ablution of the Prophets
(who were sent) before me." [Ar-Rabee'#89]
Tarteeb (order
or sequence), that is, to do Wudhu' in
the prescribed order (mentioned in the Qur'an and Hadith) and to start from the
right limb. Maintaining sequence in Wudhu' is wajib
(obligatory) as this is the Prophetic practice.
Muwalah (maintenance
of continuity), that is, to wash the different members
of the body in uninterrupted succession. It means that each limb must be washed
before the former dries under normal circumstances. Maintaining the
continuity of Wudhu' is wajib (obligatory) as this is the
Prophetic practice.
9. Avoid using too much water. The person is required to avoid use of water more
than what is necessary. "The Messenger of Allah used to perform ablution
with a Mudd (of water) and bath with a Saa'." [related by
Muslim & Ibn Majah] (A Saa' is equal to four Mudds. A Mudd
is that amount of water which is held by the two hands cupped together).
Makruhat (Disliked Acts) of Wudhu'
There are some disliked acts during
performing the Wudhu', as follows:
1. Doing Wudhu' in standing position.
2. Talking about other than the remembrance
of Allah.
3. Being wasteful with water.
4. Washing more than three times
and wiping more than once.
5. Making Wudhu' in a place where
there are impurities
6. Exposing the private parts during Wudhu'
when one is alone. Otherwise it is haram (forbidden) to expose them in a
place where people can see him
7. Leaving one of the recommended acts (Sunan)
of Wudhu'.
Nawaqidh (Invalidators) of Wudhu'
There are matters which break Wudhu',
some of them are:
1. Apostasy by leaving Islam completely or by
denying what is necessarily known of the religion without Shubha (doubt) or Ta'weel
2. Touching the Awrah Mughaladha (extreme
private parts) of oneself or of others. It makes no difference if
that is done with the inside or the outside of the bare palm. Ibn Abbas
reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said: " If any of you touches his penis
he should do Wudhu'"[Ar-Rabee'# 115]. Jabir ibn Zaid said, 'It
reached me that the Prophet (PBUH) said: "If a woman touches her vagina she
should do Wudhu'."'[Ar-Rabee'# 107]
3. Touching what is Najis* (impure).
If what is touched and what is touching are both wet or one of them is wet.
(Impurities) and their types were previously mentioned in the post entitled
Salaah (Prayer) Jurisprudence (Part 1)]
4. Backbiting. Ibn Abbas reported: The
Prophet (PBUH) said: "Backbiting breaks one's fasting and invalidates Wudhu'."[Ar-Rabee'#102]
Many scholars hold that all major sins invalidates Wudhu'.
5. Anything which exits from the two
outlets of impurity, such as urine, faeces, gas, worms or stones.
6. Flowing of blood, i.e. if the blood leaves
its place and moves away or flows out from the body (Dam Masfooh).
7. Ejection of vomit or Qalas
(reflex). The Messenger of Allah B said: "Whoever vomits or
emits Qalas (reflux) should perform ablution."
8. Losing mind or consciousness, due to
sleep, intoxication, insanity, fainting, or the like. One can avoid anything
that nullifies his ablution as long as he is awake. The prophet (PBUH) said: “The
eyes are the leather strap of the anus." [Ar-Rabee'#118]
Method on Performing Wudhu'
Before making Wudhu', one is
required to prepare him or herself. The preparation includes making sure to remove
from the body or clothing anything that might invalidate Wudhu'. This
includes physical impurities (Najasaat) and anything that prevents water
from reaching the skin or nail, such as nail polish, etc. Only Tahoor
(pure and purifying) water can be used for Wudhu' and Ghusl.
The steps for Wudhu' are as
mentioned below:
1. Making the Niyyah (intention)
in the heart that this act of Wudhu' is for the purpose of,
e.g. preparing for Salaah (prayer).
2. Saying: “Bismillah” (in the Name
of Allah).
3. Washing both hands up to the wrists
(starting with the right hand) three times, and making sure that water has
reached between the fingers.
4. Taking water into the right hand and
washing the mouth by moving the water around inside the mouth and making sure
to reach the back of the throat; repeating the same three times.
5. Taking water with the right hand,
sniffing the water into the nostrils, then ejecting the water from the nose
with the fingers on the left hand; repeating the same three times.
[*Note: The rinsing of the mouth and the nose can be
done with the same handful of water.]
6. Washing the whole face, from ear to ear,
and forehead to chin, three times repeatedly.
7. Washing the right arm from the
finger-tip to the elbow three times; and ensuring that water has reached the
spaces in between the fingers by passing the fingers of one hand through the
fingers of the other hand.
8. Repeating step (7) with the left arm.
9. Wiping the head by moving the palms of
the wet hands lightly over the head, starting from the top of the forehead to
the back of the head, and passing both hands over the back of the head to the
neck, and then bringing them back to the forehead.
10. Wiping the inside of the ears with the
wet index fingers, while also passing the wet thumbs behind the ears from the
bottom upward.
11. Washing the right foot from the tips of
the toes to the ankle three times, and making sure that water has reached
between the toes and covered the rest of the foot by running the finger(s)
between the toes.
people while washing their arm, they do not lift up the sleeves of their
clothes till the end of their elbows. This is a tremendous mistake because the
elbows are included in the washing.
around the neck with wet hands is not Sunnah. There is absolutely no
evidence in the authentic Sunnah. Imam Noor Al-Deen Al-Salimi
(Abdullah ibn Humaid Al-Salimi, a contemporary Ibadhi scholar, died about 1332
A.H) said: "Wiping the neck was preferred by some scholars and it was not
found in Hadiths narrated from the Messenger of Allah (PBUH)."
are no soundly established du'a (supplications) or dhikr
(remembrance) during Wudhu' from the Prophet (PBUH), except for the
"Tasmiyah" at the beginning and reciting the following dhikr:
Narrated 'Umar bin Khattab: "The Messenger of Allah said: 'There is no
Muslim who performs ablution and does it well, then says: Ashhadu an la
ilaha illallah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa rasuluhu (I bear
witness that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and I bear witness
that Muhammed is His slave and Messenger),' (except that) eight gates of
Paradise will be opened for him, and he will enter through whichever one he
is permissible to wipe over Jabira, instead of washing it. Jabira
is any bandage on any wound or injury. It is also any splint used for
supporting any broken part of the body. Jabira Wudhu' is permissible to
lift hardship and difficulty. Allah, the Most Merciful, says:
(وَمَا جَعَلَ
عَلَيْكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ مِنْ حَرَجٍ)
"…and has not laid upon you in your religion any
hardship…"[22:78] The proof of the legitimacy of wiping over Jabira
is what was narrated about Ali ibn Abi Talib, that he had broken one of his
forearms. Then he asked the Prophet (PBUH) to let him wipe over the bandages,
and he said: "Yes." [Ar-Rabee'#124]
sleep while lying down breaks one's Wudhu'. However, scholars differed about
other sleeping positions as to whether they invalidate Wudhu' or not, and
there are several opinions. One of the preferred opinions is that sleeping,
which makes a person lose control over himself (he or she does not know if they
have released gas or not), invalidates Wudhu', even if he or she was sitting. Hence,
it is not the sleeping that breaks the Wudhu' but the possibility of a
gas release.
the feet is one of the pillars and obligatory parts of Wudhu'. Allah
Almighty says:
إِلَى الْكَعْبَينِ)
"… and your feet up to the ankles…"[5:6]
wiping the feet will not suffice nor wiping over khuffs (footgear or
leather socks) after the revelation of the Verse of Surat Al-Ma'idah (Chapter
5), which was the last of the revealed verses. And what was narrated
regarding the wiping over khuffs, is therefore Mansoukh (abrogated).
Ibn Abbas said: "I have never seen the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) wiping
over his khuff (leather sock)."[Ar-Rabee'#117] However, the narrations
about the wiping, on the assumption of their authenticity, are Ahad (single
reports), and since the Quran is Qat’i (definitive) and Mutawatir
(ensured by many lines of transmission) and these Hadiths are Ahad,
they are rejected since the speculative cannot override the definite. This is
the opinion of many of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH).
Definition of Ghusl (Ritual Bath)
means 'washing' oneself. In Islamic Jurisprudence, it means to take a full
bath or shower with the intention to purify oneself from major impurities like
sexual intercourse or menstruation, or to follow the Sunnah.
Proof of its
Ghusl is legislated by Quran and Sunnah. Allah
Almighty says:
وَلاَ جُنُباً إِلاَّ عَابِرِي
سَبِيلٍ حَتَّىَ تَغْتَسِلُواْ))
"…nor whilst
you are defiled, unless you are traversing a way, until you have washed
yourselves…" [4:43]
Ibn Abbas reported
that the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Madhi necessitates Wudhu' and
Mani necessitates Ghusl." [Ar-Rabee' #102&132]
Rulings of Ghusl
Ghusl is divided into that which is wajib
(obligatory) and that which is mandoob (recommended).
A. The obligatory Ghusl
The obligatory Ghusl (ritual bath), is to be
done for the following reasons:
Janabah (ritual
Janabah is a
state of major ritual impurity (Hadath Akbar) which results from sexual
discharge, or sexual intercourse with or without discharge. Allah Almighty
كُنتُمْ جُنُباً فَاطَّهَّرُواْ))
"... If you are defiled, purify
Man and woman both fall under the same ruling in this
Ghusl is
obligatory after having Inzal (ejaculation or orgasm) with an
accompanying fluid discharge, regardless of its cause, whether sleeping (Ihtilam,
i.e. wet dream) or awake, for males and females. Ibn Abbas narrated: A women came
to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and said: "The obscurity has gone, O
Messenger of Allah! A woman who sees in her sleep that which a man sees."
He said: "She has to perform Ghusl (bath) if she ejaculates."
[Ar-Rabee'# 136]
Jima' (sexual
intercourse) requires Ghusl (bath), regardless of whether one
ejaculated or not. Jaber ibn Zaid reported: I asked Aisha: "Was the
Messenger of Allah (PBUH) doing Ghusl (bath) from intercourse even if he
did not ejaculate?" She said: "He was doing that with us. He was doing
Ghusl and ordering us to do it. He was saying: "Ghusl is obligatory
when the two circumcised parts meet." And he was also saying: "When
the two circumcised parts meet, then Ghusl (bath) is obligatory,
whether a man ejaculated or not."
termination of menses or post-partum bleeding (Women's Tuhr); based on the statement of Allah:
النِّسَاء فِي الْمَحِيضِ وَلاَ تَقْرَبُوهُنَّ حَتَّىَ يَطْهُرْنَ فَإِذَا
"…so part with women in the monthly period, and
do not approach them until they are pure; when they have cleansed themselves..."[2:222]
By this statement, even though it was made about menstruation only, post-partum
bleeding gets the same ruling.
Death. Washing the deceased's body is obligatory on Muslims; it is a Fard Kifaya, i.e.,
if some members take the responsibility of doing it the need is fulfilled, but
if no one fulfills it then all Muslims will be accountable. Um 'Atiyya Al-Ansaria
said, 'There came in (our apartment) the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) when his
daughter died. He said: "Wash her three or five times or more, if you
think it necessary, with water and Sidr (lotus leaves), and last of all
put some camphor." [Ar-Rabee'#475]
non-Muslim upon embracing Islam. New converts to Islam must perform Ghusl. The Prophet
(PBUH) ordered Thumama bin Uthal Al-Hanafi to take a bath when he embraced
Islam [Ibn Hibban#1255]
5. Najasah (impurity) at unknown place on the body. It is obligatory on one who knows for certain about
the presence of Najasah but is ignorant of its place to purify his entire body by
making Ghusl.
B. The recommended Ghusl
Ghusl is mandoob
(recommended) in following cases:
For Juma (Friday) Prayer. Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said: "Ghusl
(taking a bath) on Friday is compulsory for every Muslim reaching the age of
puberty." [Bukhari # 1175 & Ar-Rabee' #282]
Before wearing Ihram for Hajj or Umrah. Kharijah ibn Zaid ibn Thabit reported from his father
that he saw the Prophet (PBUH) took off his garments and had a bath (Ghusl)
to assume his Ihram."[At-Termidhi#760]
The Ghusl for Ihram is valid even for a
woman who is in her monthly cycle or going through post-natal bleeding. Aisha,
the Mother of the Believers, said: "Asma bint Umays gave birth to Mohammed
ibn Abi Bakr at Al-Bayda. Abu Bakr mentioned this to the Messenger of Allah
(PBUH), and he said, "Tell her to do Ghusl and then begin the Talbiyah.''
entering Makkah Mukarramah. Nafi’
said, "It was Ibn ‘Umar’s habit that whenever he came to Makkah he spent
the night at Dhu Tuwa in the morning he would take a bath (Ghusl) and
enter Makkah in the daytime. He used to say the Prophet (PBUH) had done
so."[Abi Dawud#1589]
For staying in Arafah. 'Abdullah ibn Umar used to do Ghusl for Ihram
before he entered Ihram, and for entering Makkah, and for standing on
the afternoon of 'Arafah.[Malik#619]
5. For Eid Prayers; as many reports from the Companions have been reported
regarding this matter.
Obligations of Ghusl
1) Niyyah (Intention)
This involves distinguishing the acts of worship from
the customary acts. If there were more than one reason to perform the Ghusl,
i.e. more than one Ghusl is required, it is sufficient to perform one to
compensate for all of them.
Covering the entire body with water. The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Under every hair is Janabah
(sexual defilement); so moist (all of) the hair and cleanse the skin."
Muwalah (consecutiveness) means washing the bodily parts one right after
another without a pause; i.e. not pausing as long as it, under normal
circumstances, takes the last limb you have washed to dry.
Madhmadhah and
Istinshaaq. Rinsing of the mouth and sniffing water
into the nose and blowing it out.
Sunan of Ghusl
1. Urination to remove the traces of impurities (such as semen)
from the body.
Istinjaa (i.e. to
clean the outlets of impurity).
Tasmiyah (saying:
“Bismillah” (In the Name of Allah).
Doing Wudhu' First but to leave the feet to the end of
5. Beginning with the upper body before the
lower, and the right side before the left. Because
the Prophet (PBUH) used to do that. Aisha said: "The Prophet (PBUH) loved
to start from the right side when purifying himself, putting on sandals and
combing his hair." [Ahmed#24484]
Method on Performing
Aisha, may Allah be
pleased with her, described the Ghusl (Ritual bath) of the Prophet. She said:
"Whenever the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) intended to take a bath (Ghusl)
because of sexual defilement, he started by washing his hands
and then performed ablution (Wudhu') as is done for Salaah
(prayer). After that he would put his fingers in water and run them
through the roots of his hair, and then pour water over his head with his hand
three times, and then pour water all over his body. And this after making
Istinjaa (cleaning the outlets of impurity)" [Ar-Rabee#138]
The proper method of
Ghusl (ritual bath) involves the following steps:
1. Urination: A man is required to pass
urine in order to get rid of any semen left in the urethra.
the Niyyah (intention) to perform Ghusl for purification.
the hands to the wrists
Istinjaa (i.e. cleaning the outlets of impurity) and removing impurities
from the entire body.
the private parts (from the navel to the knees)
Wudhu' as done for the prayer. Washing the feet can be delayed until the
end of Ghusl. If one chooses to delay Wudhu' till the end of the Ghusl,
one has to rinse the mouth and nose.
water on the head with the hand three times.
the entire body, beginning with the upper body before the lower (starting with
your head) and the right side before the left; and rubbing (Dalk) the
surface of the body with the hand while applying water.
9. Washing the right foot and then the left
Water should be made
to reach all the hidden places such as the armpits, the hollows of the knees
and the groin. One must ensure that no part of the body has been left untouched
by water. One may also use soap, shampoo and the like if they wish.
is a number of Ghusls which are not from the Sunnah of the Prophet
(PBUH). These include, Istihadha Ghusl (Ghusl after
prolonged flow of blood outside the regular period), Ghusl after Hijama
(cupping), and Ghusl after washing dead body.

· You may also nourish your mind by reading this leaflet "A Brief guide to Ritual Bathing (Ghusl)", which contains additional information and 27 Fatwas (legal opinions) on the subject, issued by His Eminence Sheikh Ahmed ibn Hamed Al-Khalili, the Grand Mufti of the Sultanate of Oman. (please click on the leaflet's image)

· You may also nourish your mind by reading this leaflet "A Brief guide to Ritual Bathing (Ghusl)", which contains additional information and 27 Fatwas (legal opinions) on the subject, issued by His Eminence Sheikh Ahmed ibn Hamed Al-Khalili, the Grand Mufti of the Sultanate of Oman. (please click on the leaflet's image)
Definition of
literally means an 'aim', 'purpose', or 'to head towards something'. In Islamic
Law, "Tayammum" the act of using soil to wipe one's face and hands, in a special
way, with the intention of purification from minor or major impurities.
Proof of its
The legitimacy of Tayammum
is proven by the Quran, Sunnah (prophetic tradition) and Ijmaa' (consensus
of Muslim scholars). Allah Almighty says:
كُنتُم مَّرْضَى أَوْ عَلَى سَفَرٍ أَوْ جَاء أَحَدٌ مَّنكُم مِّنَ الْغَائِطِ
أَوْ لاَمَسْتُمُ النِّسَاء فَلَمْ تَجِدُواْ مَاء فَتَيَمَّمُواْ صَعِيداً
طَيِّباً فَامْسَحُواْ بِوُجُوهِكُمْ وَأَيْدِيكُم مِّنْهُ)
if you are sick, or on a journey, or if any of you comes from the privy, or you
have touched women, and you cannot find water, then head for wholesome dust,
and wipe your faces and your hands with it…" [5:6]
From the authentic Sunnah,
is the saying of the Prophet (PBUH) to Abu Dharr: "Tayammum suffices
you, (even) if you do not find water for ten years." [Ar-Rabee'#169]
Finally, there is a
consensus that Tayammum forms a legitimate part of the Islamic Law.
Reasons for Tayammum
Tayammum replaces Wudhu' or Ghusl and
enables a person to do any acts of worship that normally require Wudhu'
or Ghusl. However, it is permitteding only under the following two sets
of circumstances:
Shortage of water. Allah
فَلَمْ تَجِدُواْ مَاء
فَتَيَمَّمُواْ صَعِيداً طَيِّباً))
"… and you
cannot find water, then head for wholesome dust…"
Shortage of water
may be due to:
of water: If one makes reasonable effort to
search for water but does not find it.
to reach water: If water is nearby, but one cannot
fetch it due to fear of being robbed, harmed or killed or because there
is no means to extract it.
Inability to use water, due to:
cold. Ibn Abbas narrated: "ʻAmr ibn Al-Aas went out for the Campaign of Dhat As-Salasil as
the Commander of the Army. He became Junub (in the state of major
sexual impurity). He was afraid to use the extremely cold water. Therefore, he
performed Tayammum (dry ablution). When he came to the Messenger of
Allah (PBUH), his companions mentioned to the Prophet what he did. Then the
Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:" O 'Amr! What made you do what you did?
And how did you come to know about it?" He replied: "O Messenger of
Allah! I found Allah saying: 'And kill not yourselves. Verily Allah is ever
Merciful to you.'" So the Prophet (PBUH) laughed and he gave no reply.
that using the water will bring about an illness, aggravate an existing
illness, or delay recovery. Jaber ibn Zaid
said: 'And it reached me about people whom in their presence a man infected
with smallpox died. The Prophet (PBUH) was told that he was ordered to perform Ghusl
(bath), as he knows. So the smallpox attacked him and he died. The Prophet
(PBUH) said: They killed him; may Allah kill them! What have they (to
fear) if they ordered him to perform Tayammum?" [Ar-Rabee'#174]
the water for later use, for the Islamic
legal maxim "Al-Darar Yuzal" (which means damage or harm is
of missing the prayer. Aisha said:
"We travelled with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) on one of his journeys,
and when we reached Al-Bayda, my necklace was broken. Allah's Messenger (PBUH)
stayed there to search for it, and so did the people along with him. . There
was neither any water at that place nor was there any water with them. So
the people came to Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, and said: 'Don't
you see what your daughter has done to the people? She has detained them
without water.' So Abu Bakr came to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and found him
sleeping, with his head on my thigh. He (Abu Bakr) said: 'You have
detained the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and the people where there is no water
and they have no water with them.'" Aisha said: "Abu Bakr scolded me
and uttered what Allah wanted him to utter and nudged my hips with his hand. So
I prevented myself from moving for the position of Allah's Messenger (PBUH) on
my thigh The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) slept till dawn broke and there was no
water. So Allah revealed the verse pertaining to Tayammum. She
said: "We caused the camel on which I was riding to move from its place
and found the necklace under it." [Ar-Rabee'#166]
Pillars of Tayammum
1. Niyyah
Niyyah to
purify oneself from minor or major impurities.
both palms on clean dry soil.
the whole face once, without Tathleeth (to wipe the face thrice) or Takhleel
(to pass fingers into the beard).
of hands from the tips of the fingers to the wrists by placing the left hand on
the right hand and then the opposite. Ammar ibn Yaser said: 'I became Junub
(in the state of major sexual impurity). So I rolled in the dust. The
Messenger of Allah (PBUH) then said: "Would this not be sufficient for
you?" And he wiped his face and hands up to the wrists."'
Sunan of Tayammum
1. Tasmiyah (saying: “Bismillah” (In the Name of Allah),
by Qiyas (analogy) to Wudhu'.
Blowing into the palms or shaking them off gently before
Tarteeb, means
to perform in chronological order, i.e. wiping the face and then the hands.
4. Muwalah, means to perform successively without pausing
Nawaqidh (Invalidators) of Tayammum
1. Everything that nullifies Wudhu' nullifies
2. Tayammum is invalid if water is present and can be used for Wudhu'.
The Soil Used for Tayammum
It must be a pure
wholesome soil, with dust and free of Najasaat (impurities), such as
sand, stone, and so on. It must not be wet soil, ash or stolen soil. Allah
Almighty says in the Quran:
صَعِيداً طَيِّباً))
head for wholesome dust…", that is, clean earth.
Method on Performing
In making Tayammum,
the following sequence is recommended:
1. Making Niyyah (intention) in the
heart that this act of Tayammum is for the purpose
of purification.
Tasmiyah (saying: “Bismillah”).
the palms of the hands slightly on pure earth (or any object on which Tayammum
is valid).
off hands to remove debris.
the whole face.
the palms of the hands slightly on pure earth again.
off hands.
8. Wiping the right hand down to the wrist
with the left hand and the left hand down to the wrist with the right hand.
The following video shows how to make Tayammum
Whoever cannot
get water or soil may pray in whatever state he is in, and he will not
have to repeat his prayer later.
that has already been used for Tayammum can be re-used again.
if he finds water during his prayer, his prayer becomes invalid and he is
required to perform Wudhu' and repeat the prayer. But if he finds
water after he has already finished prayer then he will not have to repeat his prayer.
A single Tayammum suffices for more than one Fard (obligatory) rites as long as he did not break his Tayammum.
Tayammum can be done before the time for a Fard prayer has come if one is sure that he will not
get or find water in time.
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