
Friday, July 26, 2013

In the Footsteps of Muhammad (PBUH) - (4)

His Speech and Smiling
     The Messenger of Allah s was the most eloquent and the sweetest in speech among people. He used to utter only the truth. His speech was like perfectly arranged beads. `A'ishah said, 'He used not to trot out his speech the way you do.' They said that he was the most succinct in speech as Gabriel u taught him. He used to pause to enable the listener to understand what he said. His voice was clearly audible and of the finest tone. He used to keep silent except in case of need. He never uttered falsehood. He used to utter only the truth at both the time of anger and the time of satisfaction. He did not use to give ear to improper talk. He used to hint at what is implicitly improper. When he stopped talking, his companions used to talk. No one dared to dispute in his presence and he used to preach by giving honest earnest advice.

     He used to meet his companions smiling and he might laugh in delight till his teeth could be seen. His companions used to smile in his presence out of respect for him and emulating him. He had the calmest soul except when the Qur'an was being revealed to him, when he mentioned the Hereafter, or when he delivered a sermon. When he was pleased, he was the most satisfied. When he preached, his preaching reached the hearts. When he got angry for the sake of Allah Q, nothing could resist it. Whenever an affair concerned him, he used to consign his affairs to Allah T disavowing his strength and power and relying on Allah Q asking Him for guidance.

Selected Writings on Purifying the Soul, by Sa'eed Hawwa, page 531-532. (a non Ibadhi Book)

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