Monday, April 1, 2024

Al-Abjadeyyah: For teaching students reading and writing through the Holy Quraan

“Thanks to Allah and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad and his descendants, companions and followers. I am presenting my book "Al-Abjadeyyah" that I have prepared similar to other grammar books such as Al-Baghdadeyyah, Al-Noraneyyah and Al-Makkeyyah to enable pupils not only to learn the basics of reading and writing and to develop their reading and writing abilities through the Holy Quraan, but also to properly read the Holy Quraan. Al-Abjadeyyah, like the previous grammar books, tends to base the teaching of reading and writing on the Holy Quraan, an approach heralding a departure from the trends that give priority to the basics of reading rather than teaching the reading of the Holy Quraan.

Owing to the various conditions of the present time and their impact on the students’ learning capacities, Al-Abjadeyyah, in its design and content, draws on modern methodology, simplicity and the use of a graded system (reading and writing clues) that can be taught by using any teaching methods deemed by the teacher and parent suitable for the student’s abilities. Apart from that, this book has been submitted to several educators, male and female schoolmasters, male and female students, and parents whose remarks have played an effective role in developing it.

In addition, this book is taking advantage of some modern standards followed in teaching Arabic, English and French so that it may constitute a graded curriculum adopting simplicity, ease and precision thus teaching reading and writing in general, and reading the Holy Quraan in particular, a reference book providing a simplified, standard reading technique for both the school and family, a guide followed by the teacher and parent when teaching reading, writing, and reading of the Holy Quraan, and a source that can be made use of to address the students’ reading weaknesses.

In conclusion, I would like to point out that the execution of this book in this shape has taken more than 500 working hours and every human accomplishment has to contain limitations and weaknesses, so I urge all concerned people to provide their own remarks that contribute to its development so that it can be benefited from it by preserving the language of the Holy Quraan.”  By: Dr. Khalfan Nasser Al-Jabri 

Please click on the image to read the book. 

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum. I would like to know your ideas about Ibadi man and Sunni woman getting married. Is it allowed? Also what do you believe about mizan?
